Angely Moreno is a prominent Dominican political scientist and journalist, recognized for her active participation in the country's social and political movements. She graduated with honors from the Autonomous University of Santo Domingo (UASD), has a solid academic background and a distinguished career in the media, public administration, and political consulting.
Angely Moreno's Academic Training From an early age, Moreno demonstrated an interest in the public sector. He attended primary school at the Celina Pellier School and completed his high school studies at Pilar Constanzo School, where he began his training in public administration.
She holds two bachelor's degrees: one in Political Science and the other in Social Communication with a focus on Journalism. She also holds a Master's degree in Political Communication and Digital Marketing, and a technical certification in Public Administration. She has complemented her education with studies both in the Dominican Republic and abroad.
Who is Angely Moreno?
Professional Career and Media Angely Moreno has nearly 10 years of experience in managing, producing, and editing content for print media. She has worked for prestigious companies such as Listín Diario, Metro International Newspaper, El Diario de Ibiza, Alcatel-Lucent (now Nokia), Z 101 Media Group, among others.
Since September 2022, he has been a panelist on the program Political, broadcast through the newspaper's platforms De Último MinutoIn this space, he shares political and social analyses with Jorge Feliz Pacheco and Yovanny Díaz, addressing issues of national interest and political trends.
Angely Moreno and her Social Activism Recognized for her firm commitment to institutionalism and social justice, Moreno has participated in various campaigns for equality, education, the environment, and against corruption. Among her most notable roles are:
- Fight for 4% for Education.
- Demonstrations in Flag Square and Green March.
- Founding member of the Common Good movement and the Felabel UASD Student Movement.
- Co-founder of the neighborhood movement Juventud Isabelita.
In 2020, he was a finalist for the National Youth Award in the Political Leadership category, a recognition that highlights his impact on Dominican society.
Leadership in the Fight Against the Parque del Este Bus Terminal One of the most significant milestones in her activist career was her leading role in the opposition to the construction of the Parque del Este Bus Terminal in Santo Domingo Este. As a leader of this movement, Moreno became the leading young voice who raised the flag in defense of the environment and the community.
Experience in Public Administration and Political Consulting With more than nine years of experience in public administration and seven in the private sector, Moreno has worked as an advisor, coordinating director, and journalist in various capacities.
For more than six years, he has worked in political campaign consulting, management, and planning, both for institutions and officials in office, as well as for candidates.
In the political arena, he led the communications campaign of the current mayor of Santo Domingo Este and mobilized professional and nonpartisan youth in support of Senator Antonio Taveras' campaign.
Currently, her professional goal is to pursue a career in strategy, management, and image management for organizations or individuals, contributing innovative ideas based on her extensive experience and academic training.