Tuesday, March 18, 2025

History of the El Caribe Newspaper


The newspaper El Caribe is an iconic Dominican newspaper Founded in Santo Domingo on April 14, 1948, by American businessman Stanley Ross. Since its inception, it has played a key role in national news, evolving over time to establish itself as a reliable news source in the Dominican Republic.

Origins and ties of the newspaper El Caribe with the Trujillo government

Although Stanley Ross is listed as its founder, the creation of the newspaper was influenced by the dictator Rafael Leónidas Trujillo, who controlled the newspaper between 1948 and 1954. In its initial period, the newspaper operated under strong government control, becoming a propaganda medium for the regime. The column Public Forum, published between 1948 and 1961, played a key role in manipulating public opinion, allowing denunciations and flattery directed at government officials.

Evolution of the Caribbean

After the fall of the dictatorship in 1961, The Caribbean began to redefine its identity. In 1956, the newspaper was confiscated from its then-owner, Germán Emilio Ornes Coiscou, who regained control after the end of the regime. Over the following decades, the newspaper consolidated its editorial independence and strengthened its reporting structure.

In the 90s, The Caribbean modernized its operations and in 1997 opened its Documentation Center of the El Caribe Publishing House (OGM), a newspaper archive housing a vast collection of newspapers and more than 2.5 million photographs. At the beginning of the 21st century, the newspaper belonged to Banco Popular Dominicano, and in 2021, it was digitized by the Center for Research Libraries, becoming the third non-US newspaper to do so.

Journalistic importance and current relevance

Edificio donde opera el periódico El Caribe y CDN
Edificio donde opera el periódico El Caribe y CDN

The Caribbean It has had prominent figures at its helm, such as Rafael Herrera and Osvaldo Santana. In 2021, Nelson Rodríguez took over as the newspaper's editor, continuing its mission of providing accurate and high-quality information. His editorial section and opinion columns have influenced the country's political and social debate.

The newspaper is an active member of the Dominican Society of Newspapers and has advocated for issues of national interest, such as the regulation of illegal Haitian immigration. Its impact and credibility have made it one of the island's most influential newspapers, according to the Encyclopædia Britannica.

Legacy and future of the Caribbean

With more than seven decades of history, The Caribbean It remains a benchmark in Dominican journalism. Its adaptation to the digital age and its commitment to objective reporting maintain it as a reliable source for national and international readers. With a history of historical impact, the newspaper continues to evolve to meet the challenges of modern journalism, maintaining its mission of reporting responsibly and transparently.

Technical Sheet

  • Name: The Caribbean
  • Foundation: April 14, 1948
  • Founder: Stanley Ross
  • Current Owner: Caribbean Multimedia
  • Editorial: Caribbean Editor, C. by A.
  • Language: Spanish
  • Format: Printed and digital
  • Site: Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Address: San Martin Ave. 236, Santo Domingo, Dominican Republic
  • Director Actual: Nelson Rodriguez
  • Affiliation: Dominican Society of Newspapers
  • Digital Archive: Digitized by the Center for Research Libraries in 2021
  • Telephone: +1 809-686-6688
  • Web Page: www.elcaribe.com.do

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