Ciudad del Vaticano.- He papa Francisco regrets that "many young people feel lost in the face of the future" and are going through an "identity crisis" that "the digital confusion makes it even more difficult to overcome," in a message written from the Gemelli hospital, where he has been admitted since February 14, and published this Wednesday.
"They often experience uncertainty about job prospects and, more profoundly, an identity crisis that is a crisis of meaning and values and that digital confusion makes even more difficult to overcome," the Pope writes on the occasion of the 62nd World Day of Prayer for Vocations.
For the pontiff, "injustices toward the weak and the poor, the indifference to selfish well-being, the violence of war threaten the projects of a good life that they cultivate in their souls."
Furthermore, in his message, the Pope encourages young people to discover their vocation, as "a call to go beyond themselves to embark on a path of love and service."
And he adds that every vocation in the Church, whether as a lay person, a priest, or a religious, "is a sign of the hope that God has for the world and for each of his children."
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Francis adds that "the world needs young pilgrims of hope, courageous in dedicating their lives to Christ, filled with joy for the very fact of being his disciples-missionaries."
While urging religious to promote "the care of the Christian vocation in the various spheres of human life and activity, fostering the spiritual openness of each person to the voice of God."
And he concludes that "to achieve this, it is important that educational and pastoral programs provide adequate spaces for vocational guidance."